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As a child of God and a business owner, I am often asked, "Why do you Gospel to people?" At its core, the answer is simple yet profound - love.

Our Story

In the grand tapestry of life, there are often tales of faith and spirituality that shape our personal journeys. Today, we'd like to share ours – a story deeply rooted in Christian values and a fervent belief in Our Lord and Savior.


As the proverbial apple does not fall far from the tree, my faith is a treasure passed down from my Father, a Pastor of great wisdom and unwavering faith. Growing up in his shadow, I was surrounded by prayer, the Bible Our Lord and his teachings, and his goodness. Yet, an essential realization of merely knowing of the Lord does not equate to salvation.

Salvation, as we've come to understand, is not a product of knowledge, but of faith. It's about embracing God's love, seeking forgiveness, and striving to follow His path. It's about being touched by His grace and allowing it to transform us from within, guiding our steps.

We share this story not as a testament to our own spiritual journey but in the hope that it might resonate with you. Our mission is to share this love with every individual, and we do this by spreading the Gospel.


The Gospel, as you may know, is more than just a collection of stories and teachings - it's a beacon of hope, love, and salvation. So, why do we choose to spread the Gospel to others? Because we love them.

In today's world, where many are struggling with anguish and adversity, the need for love - particularly God's unconditional love - is more urgent than ever.

Why We Gospel

Sharing the Gospel isn't just about preaching; it's about conveying our concern and care for our fellow human beings. We don't want anyone to be lost in the darkness of despair or fear; instead, we want to lead them towards the illuminating and uplifting path that the Gospel provides.

The Power of God's Love

God's love is the ultimate remedy for the world's ills. It is a love that embraces everyone, regardless of their past mistakes or present circumstances. It's a love that believes in the potential of each person to turn a new leaf and live a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Answering the Call

Thus, we are called to be messengers. To answer this call, we must open our hearts and allow the Gospel's transformative power to flow through us and into the lives of those around us.

Let's work together to create a world where love reigns and the light of the God shines in every heart.

Remember, when we Gospel, we are not just sharing words or doctrines - we are sharing God's love

Prayer Request

If you are in need of prayer, please reach out to us via Contact Us and provide us with your prayer need. 


We will add you to our prayer list.  

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